Let’s talk about You 

Image by Luca Bravo

An intro to your process

Unlike most processes of recovery in the chronic pain world, this work, when you’re ready for it, will ask of you to bring in your own wisdom in the form of these 3 things.


  • Your SENSES (willingness to feel and identify what you sense)

  • Your OWNERSHIP of the healing process

I’d like to say there’s something magical about working with people the way I do, but that’s something for you to decide.

This process is about getting down to the foundation of you as not only your mind, but also who you are as a body.

You are you – as the thinking mind, spirit, and all of it.

AND, in the words of Alan Watts, “You don’t HAVE a body – YOU ARE A BODY”.

You are a body with senses as guides.

And, through the journey that is Life, we’ve been disconnected from our senses to not always know what is useful for us, what we need at any given moment, what we are feeling and how we can show up with ease in front of another person. It’s unfortunate, AND in my opinion, the holy grail waiting to be discovered (reclaimed, found, remembered…)– is to connect back to ourselves through our senses.

I’m not talking about magical hidden senses, either.

I mean, in addition to smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing, I’m talking about our innate ability to FEEL and identify emotions and sensations in the body, feel where the body is in space, to be intimately tuned into hunger and thirst, when we are doing more than the body-mind is able to do, our perceptions of pain and of balance, our ability to discern sensory information thrown at us.

Yes, we have all of these senses, though we usually don’t, in fact, feel anything until it’s too late – we’ve taken the risk that went too far, we are in pain, we are confused and without understanding of how we arrived somewhere, years and decades past.

I’m also here to tell you that this pattern of confusion, despair and pain is what gave way for me to do this therapeutic work that I do. And, I, along with the clients that I have worked with, are living proof that reconnection, healing and a better quality of life is entirely possible.

In this process, you might feel your creativity, resourcefulness, and dedication grow even more, and effortlessly.

Once you get to know yourself, and connect your body and mind in a deeper way, not only will you open up the doorway to feeling less pain, more freedom and more peace, you’ll also be excited to usher in the next chapters of your life, work and family.

So if you’re ready for something like this, and you feel like it’s something you that want to show up for yourself, send me a message.


CLASS SERIES: Find Peace in Chaos